HaVoc Use Case Demo


A common use case for a health or medical application is to allow users to search by medical condition or treatment words. However, the same medical concept may be referred to by two different lexical terms such as carcinoma of the prostate and prostate carcinoma . Similarly a drug referred to by its brand name Aleve or by the generic term Naproxen. Most information retrieval systems are not able to handle such queries and may return different results for Aleve and Naproxen.

How does HaVoc add that extra bit of 'oomph' to the solution?
HaVoc addresses it by providing you synonyms for more than 3 million medical concepts in its knowledge base. So you no longer have to retrieve information using lexical terms but by “semantics”, i.e., their meaning. Similarly, HaVoc understands that aleve=naproxen or that prostate ca=prostate carcinoma=carcinoma of the prostate gland.

See HaVoc in action, enter a health issue/remedy:


If you are looking to do analytics over health data, one of the common use cases (and a challenging one) is to be able to group records by either class of disease, or class of drugs or even category of symptoms. For example, angina, myocardial infarction are grouped at a high level as Cardiovascular diseases. Similarly penicillins, ciprofloxacin, amoxycillin are all types of antibiotics. However, expecting a developer to have this medical knowledge to support aggregating data would be like asking them to decode sumerian clay tablets!

How does HaVoc add that extra bit of 'oomph' to the solution?
You can use HaVoc’s get parent function to traverse the medical knowledgebase hierarchy to get “parent” or even “grand parent” concepts for a given medical term. With just one line of code you can club all your records that may describe a patient with angina and another with Cardiac Myopathy into Cardiovascular Disease bucket.

See HaVoc in action, enter a health issue/remedy:


A common use case when searching medical records or health information is to retrieve all documents that not only contain the searched term but all diseases or drugs that are subclasses of the term. For example if you are a physician using your cool application to search for all medical records of patients with kidney diseases they expect to see all records for kidney cancer and also kidney failure or glomerulonephritis.

How does HaVoc add that extra bit of 'oomph' to the solution?
Just as haVoc allows you to traverse medical knowledgebase hierarchies to retrieve parent concepts, you can go down to retrieve children or subclasses of a term. haVoc will provide you all diseases classified under Kidney diseases and recursively down till the most specific disease such as nephrotic syndrome.

See HaVoc in action, enter a health issue/remedy: